Do the live bacteria in Immunity Fuel stay alive on their journey through the digestive system?

October 04, 2022 2 min read

How do probiotics stay alive in digestive system

We recently received a query about whether any tests have been done to prove that the live bacteria in Immunity Fuel actually make it through the stomach acid "alive" and then into the intestines still "alive". We know that the bacteria in the product is alive as it is batch tested to ensure viable colony counts. But how do we know it survives its trip down the intestinal path? 

Evolved Bacteria

Over 18 years of research and 2.5 million dollars of investment was spent to develop the super strain of bacteria that is contained in Immunity Fuel. The main killers of bacteria were identified, which include anti-biotic therapy, colas, synthetic ascorbic acid, heat, cold, fluorides, chlorine's, preservatives, salt, alcohol, and stress, and through a unique process the bacteria contained in Immunity Fuel have been evolved to be resistant to most of these killers. 

This resulted in a super strain of bacteria that have the power to overcome even the most stubborn bad bacteria and yeast, and to stay alive in the harsh gut environment. We have one of the only organic bacteria strains in the world. They have not been genetically altered and they are obtained solely from fruits and vegetables (unlike most others which are grown out of faecal matter). They are living viable bacteria eager to re-colonize your gut and provide you with a healthy intestinal environment that will in turn promote wellness.

 At the end of the day the proof is in the pudding – the testimonials we receive from people using Immunity Fuel show that the bacteria in the product are alive when they go in, and they do their job when they get there – proving undoubtedly that Immunity Fuel really does work! 


For Example:

Our whole family on and off over the last 2 years have been battling with a couple of parasites. The children in particular had terrible symptoms of diarrhoea, loss of appetite, bloating, terrible stomach cramps and a constant unwell feeling. They had rounds of flagyl prescribed by doctors but the parasites remained. After much research I decided the only way to treat it was to hit them hard with alternative treatments and this is when I came across Immunity Fuel. I emailed Cassie and told her about our symptoms and she told me about her personal experience with parasites after travelling. We gave Immunity Fuel a go along with kefir and a limited amount of sugar in our diets and so far the whole family no longer has symptoms. I would recommend to anyone that's been suffering from parasites to give this a go. 
M. Jackson, Pottsville, NSW.

So, there you go, don't just take our word for it – give it a try and see the results for yourself! For more testimonials go to our testimonials page, or to order your Immunity Fuel now go straight to the SHOP.